• Welcome to CFAR

Proud moment as our Helpdesk & Single Window Forum members received certificate of appreciation from the Women and Child Development Department at the Khishori Mela. CFAR was recognized as the best NGO partner for empowering urban poor communities with health & nutrition services. On the occasion of the 14th National Voters' Day, the District Collector of Ajmer, in collaboration with the District Election Office Ajmer, felicitated CFAR. CFAR received recognition in the "Best NGO" category for its commendable efforts in motivating and facilitating diverse community groups to register themselves as voters of the nation.


National Dissemination Meet on Enabling the Urban Poor to Strengthen Access to Sanitation

National Dissemination Meet on: Presenting the Findings from the Evaluation Study of a Three-Year Intervention on Enabling the Urban Poor to Strengthen Access to Sanitation  
The National Dissemination Meet held in Delhi, on February 27-28, 2017, enabled the Centre for Advocacy and Research (CFAR) to share and reflect collectively on the best practices that had emerged from a three year (2012-15) community-led urban sanitation intervention, in the cities of Delhi, Jaipur and Kolkata. The intervention, which was supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), was jointly implemented by the Centre for Advocacy and Research, and three Community Based Organizations (CBO) Mahila Pragati Manch, Daksh Samooah and Alor Disha.
The findings from the Evaluation Study Sanitation, Water and Hygiene: Strengthening Community Centered and Gender Responsive Provisioning, which was conducted by the Institute for Human Development (IHD) and disseminated during the two-day Meet, highlighted and identified the changes that had been witnessed at the community level. They included:

  • Hugely enhanced awareness levels on WSH in the community which has motivated individuals and the community as a whole to ensure cleanliness in their homes and the settlement.

The effort of the Women’s Forum has gone a long way in making sanitation a people’s issue, with communities having a say in not only improving but also sustaining access to better services- Ms. Vimla, Founder member, Mahila Pragati Manch

  • Main success story in Delhi is the construction, renovation and maintenance of public toilets with official support from DUSIB and a decline in open defecation from 20 to 5%.

The community decided that they would build their own household toilets and within three years 300 household toilets were constructed with the help of local masons.- Ms. Tabussum from Mahila Pragati Manch, Delhi

  • Filing of complaints /demands for clean and adequate drinking water supplies; regular garbage collection; community management of street cleaning and other felt needs.
  • In Jaipur, introduction of new technologies like dry two-pit latrines; construction of individual toilets and it eventually link up with Swachh Bharat Mission.

Ms. Maya Verma, from Jhalana Kunda, recalls with a great sense of achievement of how the community had fought its own battles against open defecation, gone in search for an appropriate model for household toilets, learnt about the twin-pit toilet technique and replicated it on scale. “It is only after 35 households had constructed twin-pit latrines that the government woke up to the possibility and declared Jhalana Kunda as a learning site for officials and service providers.”          

  • Women and girls have started discussing their menstrual and reproductive health problems with their mothers, at health camps and with programme teams.
  • Families impose fewer restrictions on their daughters during their menstrual periods. (In Jaipur the proportion of women who did not allow their daughters to attend school has declined from 46 percent (baseline) to 16 percent (End line).
  • In J P Colony cluster of Jaipur, an adolescent girls forum was formed to promote personal hygiene among women in the cluster.
  • In Dakhin Kumrokhali and Stadiumpara clusters of a Kolkata slum, a women’s’ group named “Alor disha” was formed. CFAR with the help of this group started generating awareness about menstrual hygiene. The group also organized Dance Movement Therapy on health-related issues and provided them with proper knowledge on biological changes relating to women’s bodies.

Sabina Mondal from Alor Disha, Kolkata, speaks of her transformation from being a survivor of violence to agent of change in Rajpur-Sonapur Municipality. “In our settlements today we can say with great pride and confidence that the community has taken full ownership of the issue of sanitation and linked it with both health and hygiene; not just in our homes but also in the anganwadi and school.”

Over two hundred representatives from NGOs and CBOs-Mahila Pragati Manch, Daksh Samooah and Alor Disha- came together for the Dissemination Meet. They included 30 representatives from Jaipur, Kota and Jodhpur, 30 from Delhi, 20 from Bhubaneswar and 35 from Kolkata.

Convergence on Water Sanitation and Hygiene and ICDS

Convergence on Water Sanitation and Hygiene and ICDS

Nutrition cum Sanitation Camps

International Women’s Day, March 8, 2017

 Women spend so much time looking after their husbands, children and others in the family that they ignore their own health. I have understood today that as women age they face many deficiencies; therefore looking after one’s own health is very important.Chandravati, Karotia Camp

I learnt several things from this camp. One is that sprouts are a healthy form of iron and protein. The other is that we should change our habits, wash hands our hands with soap before and after a meal and make a healthy gruel for elderly and children using gram flour, soybean, milk and sugar. –Sahrunisha, IG Camp, Ashram

 By participating in this camp I learnt what foods are essential for the development of children- Jaya Devi, Rajasthani Camp, Sarita Vihar

Health and sanitation are closely linked. We need to take care of both cleanliness and nutrition. This is the road to good healthLaxmi Devi, Janta Jeewan Camp, Okhla

Led by Women’s and Adolescent Forum, World Water Day was Observed in Jaipur, Jodhpur and Kota

To highlight the importance of storage, conservation and purification of water and its inextricable link with health, the Women’s and Adolescent Forums supported by CFAR reached out to around 600 people through public meetings, street plays and rallies
Speaking about what the issue means to them, representatives from Women’s Forum and Adolescent Forum said ….
We stand in queues early in the morning for about two hours without knowing whether we will get sufficient water or any water at all. This makes us realize the importance of water conservation” Sunita, Representative, Women’s Forum- Jaipur
The rubber pipe that is used by the tankers for distributing water is not clean and many a times the tankers are not covered at the top. Water from borewell, tubewell is saline and with improper disposal of garbage and practice of open defecation we fear contamination of water. Therefore we must always take precaution before drinking or using the water”- Neelam, Representative, Women’s Forum, Sitaram Nagar- Jaipur
In localities where there is no pucca drainage, waste water goes into soak pits. Every house in Sootmill Colony has a soak pit and the streets not only look clean but it also prevents breeding of mosquitoes. There has been an improvement in the health of our children also”- Anju, Daksha Samooh
We all need to come together in adopting good practices and something like water management and conservation cannot be carried out in isolation by few households; everyone has to work together to ensure it.”Maya, Dakash Samooah
The Women’s Forum submitted several applications to Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) and Nagar Nigam to provide us water connection. So far, only 50 percent of the basti has been covered, but the Women’s Forum is determined to stay with this issue till it is solved as it impacts us and our children’s health”- Lila Devi, Representative, Women’s Forum- Jodhpur

Working Together – Learning Together:

The street play gives a clear idea of various aspects of violence. We would like it to be a part of all functions organised by the police. These young people have explained it very well- Ms. Anuradha, Inspector Delhi Police

I learnt about various aspects of gender through the exhibition- Mr. Gangasharan, School of Open Learning

This exhibition has provided our students with a new lens to understand gender and violence – Dr. Devender Kakar, Associate Professor, School of Open Learning

The ‘School of Life,’ an intervention shaped by survivors of violence and young people from college and settlements and facilitated since 2015 by the Centre for Advocacy and Research (CFAR) as part of the Wajood initiative supported by Population Services International has grown from strength to strength.

The young people realized very early on that violence is intrinsic and often linked with the different kinds of socialization we experience. Therefore it has to be confronted at many levels in order to understand and develop new value paradigms on gender, learn how to communicate with peers and engage with the many institutions that safeguard our rights as individuals and citizens. They not only learned but also created.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, March 8, 2017, The School of Open Learning, University of Delhi organised a felicitation ceremony for 1500 Women Police Personnel who had received training on Self Defence. These police officers will be designated to lead various department across the city. This ceremony was the lead event of the International Women’s Day Celebrations in the School of Open Learning. The event was presided over by Ms. Varsha Sharma, DCP, SPUWAC.

CFAR was invited to set up the Public Art Exhibition in the School premises to enable the students from the School of Open Learning to understand the year-long effort made by learners from campus and settlements to understand and ideate on their understanding of gender based violence.

The exhibition Hamare Sapno KI Udaan-Youth Pradarshini presented on a single platform photographs, story board, graphic stories, newpapers, drawings, writings and performance that trace the challenges and dreams of young people who are faced with gender-based violence, both in public and private spaces. The young people through these creative outputs shared their thoughts, their notions of right and wrong, their ideas of rights and privileges, based on their lived realities.

Key Takeaways

Over the past six months, since October 25, 2016 the Public Art show has travelled to seven academic institutions Jamia Milia University, Bharti College, Shivaji College, Miranda House College, Janki Devi Memorial College and School of Open Learning where many other young people, mentors and stakeholders have viewed it and engaged with it. 

This has strengthened understanding on gender, gender-based violence, patriarchy, role of masculinities and related concepts and inspired  others to think on the issue, engage with it, analyse it which is essential to shape concerted responses on violence against women.

These diverse visuals mediums of communication have also enhanced local participation and created discussion and exchange between young people and stakeholders (including academics, police personnel, media ) on the need to seek social accountability and commitment to zero tolerance to violence against women, girls and boys. 

Among those who created and viewed this exhibition are many survivors who are witnessing and experience domestic violence in their lives The journey of these survivors is a road map for us to understand how to recognize the early signs of violence, what could have been done differently, who could have been reached out for support, who could have helped avert the violence.

Therefore this public art seeks to initiate a process which enables the young people to find a space for exploration and finding strategic solutions which are survivor centric so that the responses to violence can be shaped and guided by their experiences so that a structural change can be effected.

Strengthening Community Engagement on Health Care and Domestic Violence

“Never before has a camp been organized for women in this area by any organization. Please continue to hold such camps so that women and girls who do not step out of their homes can avail of health benefits”. Ajay, 23 years

 “The next time you hold a camp of this kind please involve my son and daughter. They will be sensitized and will also learn something” Rajrani, 55 years

“If you organize a camp in any other area please inform me. We will support you and provide any help you may need through our Diagnostic Lab at the hospital.” Sanjay, Moolchand Hospital

 “I was initially apprehensive about how I would be able to help the doctors. But when I helped some elderly women and men I realized that there are many ways in which we can help others”. Bhawna, Volunteer, 17 years

Following a request by the women survivor groups in the area, a health camp was organized in Block 21, Kalyanpuri, on February 26, 2017. The objective of the camp was threefold:

  • To reach out to other vulnerable women including pregnant, lactating and the elderly in block and clusters of 12, 17 and 21.
  • Engage with the community in these areas on issues of violence against women, especially domestic and intimate partner violence.
  • And to strengthen nutrition and health care services in the settlement by linking up with Anganwadi and ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activists) workers.

The camp was attended by 450 people (349 women and 101 men) from the three clusters and blocks. Of them, 300 patients registered for diagnosis, treatment of various ailments and to seek advice on gynecological problems, anemia, nutrition deficiency in infants and joint pains in elderly women and men. Specific queries relating to STIs, RTI, ANC and PNC were also addressed.

Dr.Poonam Tripathy, CDPO East, briefed the women on the various services and benefits provided by Anganwadi centers, under the ICDS (Integrated Community Development Scheme), for children in the 0-6 age group.  While doing so, she explained that, “the anganwadi is ä preschool for toddlers where various methods are used to facilitate motor and development skills in young children. The anganwadi workers also take care of the nutrition and immunization needs of children so that they can be protected against diseases.”

Apart from this, ASHA workers were trained to provide information on the services that are available for pregnant women at the institutional dispensary and hospitals, for care of new born children and for facilitating safe motherhood. The workers also give information on methods of contraception, the need for a gap between children and the adverse effects of frequent pregnancies on women’s health and well being. One hundred and ten (110) women registered with the ASHA and Anganwadi workers for counseling and information on services provided by ICDS.

A counseling desk was set up by the CFAR team to provide information through the Women’s Helplines 181, 1091, 1516 and PWDVA (Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2005), as well as free legal aid services through the DLSA.

A street Play Mera Wajood was performed by the youth group Hamari Pehchaan before an audience of about 100 women, men and young people. Following the performance members of the youth group responded to questions raised by the audience. Many in the audience also shared personal experiences of violence. Four cases of domestic violence were also registered.

National Dissemination Meet on Enabling the Urban Poor to Strengthen Access to Sanitation

National Dissemination Meet on: Presenting the Findings from the Evaluation Study of a Three-Year Intervention on Enabling the Urban Poor to Strengthen Access to Sanitation  

The National Dissemination Meet held in Delhi, on February 27-28, 2017, enabled the Centre for Advocacy and Research (CFAR) to share and reflect collectively on the best practices that had emerged from a three year (2012-15) community-led urban sanitation intervention, in the cities of Delhi, Jaipur and Kolkata. The intervention, which was supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), was jointly implemented by the Centre for Advocacy and Research, and three Community Based Organizations (CBO) Mahila Pragati Manch, Daksh Samooah and Alor Disha.  

The findings from the Evaluation Study Sanitation, Water and Hygiene: Strengthening Community Centered and Gender Responsive Provisioning, which was conducted by the Institute for Human Development (IHD) and disseminated during the two-day Meet, highlighted and identified the changes that had been witnessed at the community level. They included:  

  • Hugely enhanced awareness levels on WSH in the community which has motivated individuals and the community as a whole to ensure cleanliness in their homes and the settlement.

The effort of the Women’s Forum has gone a long way in making sanitation a people’s issue, with communities having a say in not only improving but also sustaining access to better services- Ms. Vimla, Founder member, Mahila Pragati Manch

  • Main success story in Delhi is the construction, renovation and maintenance of public toilets with official support from DUSIB and a decline in open defecation from 20 to 5%.

The community decided that they would build their own household toilets and within three years 300 household toilets were constructed with the help of local masons.- Ms. Tabussum from Mahila Pragati Manch, Delhi

  • Filing of complaints /demands for clean and adequate drinking water supplies; regular garbage collection; community management of street cleaning and other felt needs.
  • In Jaipur, introduction of new technologies like dry two-pit latrines; construction of individual toilets and it eventually link up with Swachh Bharat Mission.

Ms. Maya Verma, from Jhalana Kunda, recalls with a great sense of achievement of how the community had fought its own battles against open defecation, gone in search for an appropriate model for household toilets, learnt about the twin-pit toilet technique and replicated it on scale. “It is only after 35 households had constructed twin-pit latrines that the government woke up to the possibility and declared Jhalana Kunda as a learning site for officials and service providers.”          

  • Women and girls have started discussing their menstrual and reproductive health problems with their mothers, at health camps and with programme teams.
  • Families impose fewer restrictions on their daughters during their menstrual periods. (In Jaipur the proportion of women who did not allow their daughters to attend school has declined from 46 percent (baseline) to 16 percent (End line).
  • In J P Colony cluster of Jaipur, an adolescent girls forum was formed to promote personal hygiene among women in the cluster.
  • In Dakhin Kumrokhali and Stadiumpara clusters of a Kolkata slum, a women’s’ group named “Alor disha” was formed. CFAR with the help of this group started generating awareness about menstrual hygiene. The group also organized Dance Movement Therapy on health-related issues and provided them with proper knowledge on biological changes relating to women’s bodies.

Sabina Mondal from Alor Disha, Kolkata, speaks of her transformation from being a survivor of violence to agent of change in Rajpur-Sonapur Municipality. “In our settlements today we can say with great pride and confidence that the community has taken full ownership of the issue of sanitation and linked it with both health and hygiene; not just in our homes but also in the anganwadi and school.”

Over two hundred representatives from NGOs and CBOs-Mahila Pragati Manch, Daksh Samooah and Alor Disha- came together for the Dissemination Meet. They included 30 representatives from Jaipur, Kota and Jodhpur, 30 from Delhi, 20 from Bhubaneswar and 35 from Kolkata.

Response: Policy Makers, Official, Experts and Partners

In her Keynote Address, Ms. Swati Maliwal, Chairperson, Delhi Commission for Women (DCW), emphasized that the lack of access to clean public toilets was an issue she had personally experienced and that DCW was committed to addressing the issue of sanitation. She further affirmed that, “DCW will review the Evaluation Report and take serious note of its findings and recommendations and work towards strengthening community access to sanitation.”

In her Opening Address, Ms. Madhu Krishna, BMGF said, “Without community engagement a WSH intervention or programme is not possible, which is why a partnership with CFAR is very important for us. Through this intervention we have witnessed how community representatives can be effectively facilitated to become strong agents of change. We will take these lessons forward across the county.” She also emphasized on the need for men to be brought into the process of community-centered sanitation initiatives.

Mr. S.K Mahajan, Chief Engineer, Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB), stated that DUSIB has been working relentlessly over the last two years in improving sanitation across the settlements and was aspiring to gain a special branding for the Community Toilet Complexes built by DUSIB. He also emphasized on the need for proper maintenance of toilets and announced that DUSIB would soon be launching an App through which anyone can file complaints. He concluded by assuring everyone that DUSIB would provide special toilets free of cost for use at night.

Dr Himani Tiwari, Coordinator, City Managers Association, Rajasthan, spoke about how CFAR, Daksh Samooah and Women’s Forums had played a major role in strengthening access to sanitation services in Jaipur. She spoke of how the Jaipur Municipal Corporation had organized a camp for the first time in Rajasthan, with support from CFAR, during which numerous applications for individual toilets were filed and processed and the first installment of the subsidy was issued on the spot. This process was then replicated in other cities. She added that Jhalana Kunda basti, where the CFAR team had worked, has been adjudged as a best practice and even declared a learning site for officials and service providers.

During the panel discussion Prof. Amitabh Kundu, former Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, who was the moderator, declared that “the best approach was to work in partnership with the government and utilize government schemes that are available for the poor”.

He added that, “It is good that central and state governments are now so focused on water, sanitation and hygiene as it is directly linked with improving life expectancy. But having said this it is important to add that these government initiatives must reach the poorest of the poor.”

Mr. Saswat Rath of Sambodhi Research & Communication, pointed that while one of the major reasons for constructing toilet was the safety of women, ‘the biggest barrier was lack of money and space.”

 Abhishek Chatterjee, WASH Institute, “We can see the impact of interventions in the community but we have to ensure that the work is sustained once the NGOs leave. Therefore, it is important to identify champions within the community who will take the process forward.” He went on to state that one could “see the enhancement in confidence level in the community representatives gathered at the Meet.”

Banashree Banerjee, Urban Planner, IHS (Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies, Erasmus University) emphasized that “strengthening government institutions like MCD and DUSIB is also very important. Communities face numerous problems so when they approach these institutions with suggestions changes should be made in order to ensure better service delivery.” She further emphasized that “community experience must be utilized at the institutional level.”

Key Takeaways

In the Concluding Session the key takeaways were:

“The intervention had managed to reach out to clusters which remained unknown and neglected so far”. – Ms. Indu Prakash Singh, Expert on Urban Poor and Homelessness

 Agreeing with this Ms. Gouri Choudhury, Chairperson, Action India, stated that the Swachh Bharat Mission had “started a whole new women’s movement without possibly intending to do so because women have taken the leadership in strengthening sanitation services”.

Taking this observation forward, Ms. Mamta Dash, WaterAid, India, said that “CFAR had set an example by playing the role of a link between the government and the community to address sanitation issues”.

“DUSIB has mandated to make slum areas in Delhi Open Defecation free by 2019. There is a great need for awareness generation and community participation for the maintenance of toilets. Now we have inspection teams for toilet complexes and a grading system. Grades are steadily improving with time.”- Shri. A.K Gupta, DUSIB Board Member

“The community’s role is very important for participatory governance and here we see the community playing a very active role”- Shri. Bipin Rai, Board Member DUSIB

 “Community behavior change is very important but behavior change must also be there in the system at the service delivery provider level. Another important point that I want to make here is that the government should have confidence in women’s groups and budget control must be in the hands of the community.”  Shri. D.K Bose, Trustee-CFAR

“The way women forums are working in all these areas and how their capacities have been built over the time is the most important thing I see here today. We need to sustain this.” Ms. Shobita Rajagopal, Associate Professor, IDS

In the concluding session, Ms. Akhila Sivadas, Executive Director, CFAR said, “At the end of the day if this evaluation study can help to gain greater recognition of the pivotal role that community organizations can play in shaping both access to and ownership of safe and sustainable sanitation practices the National Dissemination Meet would have succeeded in more than one way”.

Building awareness on NALSA Schemes for unorganised workers

CFAR Pune conducted a Legal Awareness Programme on NALSA schemes for workers in the unorganized sector, at the Sahaya Single Window, on 23rd Feb. 2017. Member Secretary DLSA, Mr. Raosaheb Kokare, Adv. Jalal Pathan, Mr. Prabhakar Kamble and Adv. Nanda Jadhav were present at the event; as were forty seven (47) Community representatives from  Vishrantwadi, Shramik Vasahat, Jadhav Nagar, Laxmi Nagar 1 and 2, Kamraj Nagar, Mozhe Nagar, Yashvant Nagar and Barma Shel Vasti.

The event commenced with a presentation on how the Single Window has been enrolling those who were applying for Ration Cards, subsidies for the construction of Individual House Hold Toilet (IHHL), ICDS schemes and programmes run by the Pune Municipal Corporation for urban poor populations, physically challenges persons and others. Reports were also presented on the various other activities that were organized by the Single Window.

Adv. Jalal Pathan, Panel Member of DLSA, discussed the schemes that were being conducted by the Labor Welfare Department, for workers in unorganized sectors. While doing so, he shared information on the registration process, annul charges/ fees and how these schemes provide social security and social and educational development for unorganized workers. For example, the annual registration charge of Rs 68.00 entitles the person to get medical assistance of up to Rs. 5 lakhs a year as well as educational benefits for their children etc.

During the discussion that followed, community representative spoke of the problems unorganized workers had in getting themselves registered and availing of benefits.

Community representative Gulnar Shaikh said that when they had tried to register under the various schemes the concerned official did not provide the necessary information on the registration process and the benefits provided by the schemes.

Community representative Ujalla Shigvan spoke of a property dispute in a family and asked that free legal guidance and legal Aid by provided at the Sahaya Single Window. She also mentioned family disputes and domestic violence cases of others in the community.

Members Secretary Mr. Raosaheb Kokare, announced that a Free Legal Aid Clinic would be started in March 2017, especially for women in the unorganized sector, at the Sahaya Single Window. He also invited the Principal District Judge of Pune Mr. Prithviraj Chavan for the inauguration of the Legal Aid Clinic.

Participants were also assured that a joint meeting would be held with  the Labor Commissioner to smoothen the process of registration of domestic workers in the second week of March 2017.

In conclusion Mr. Kokare said that he has been keenly following the reports that have been appearing on the various activities of the Single Window and added  that he was particularly impressed with the reports on capacity building of grass root workers that was held in January 17, 2017 and periodic assessment held in December 2016.

Quality Council of India (QCI) at Jhalana Kunda to understand ‘Community Involvement’ in constructing IHHL

In response to a request from the Jaipur Municipal Corporation (JMC) the Centre for Advocacy and Research (CFAR) facilitated an inspection of IHHLs (Individual House Hold Latrines) in Jhalana Kunda, in Jaipur, by a team from the Quality Council of India; an autonomous body that has been set up by the Government of India, as an auxiliary unit of the Union Ministry of Urban Development (MoUB), to conduct the Swachhata Sarvekshan Survey.

The purpose of the Survey, which commenced on January 4, 2017, in 500 cities including Jaipur, is to rank cities on the basis of the work done by Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) on cleanliness, hygiene and other aspects of safe sanitation at the local level. JMC also requested CFAR to facilitate an interaction with members of the Women’s Forum in the settlement.

The visit to Jhalana Kunda, a temporary settlement, on January 28, 2017, began with the two member team comprising of Shrimati Yashodhara Vijayan, Deputy Secretary, Government of India and Shri Pankaj Tyagi, Representative, Quality Council of India, inspecting the IHHL in Shri Ram Chandra’s house. During the interaction with the family, Shri Ram Chandra’s daughter Kanchan, who is a member of the youth group, spoke of how the family used to “go to the jungle or nearby hill top to relieve themselves prior to the construction of the toilet”.  When Shrimati Vijayan pointed out that the toilet space was “looking old”, Kanchan explained that in that space the family had previously constructed a temporary makeshift toilet with an exit pipe, which could be used as a bathroom during the night or if someone in the family was ill. And that in the same space the present toilet, using the Twin Pit technology, was built six months ago using the same structural base. She also showed the team the toilet and gave a detailed explanation on how the Twin Pit technology works.

The team then visited two other IHHLs in the settlement and asked Pramod Kumari, who had constructed a toilet six months ago, if she felt any different now that she has a toilet in her house. She told them that the benefits were many, the most important being that “we do not have to defecate in the open and can use the toilet during the day and at night.”

When asked if she had received “any support for making this toilet” Pramod Kumari said that they had “received Rs 4000 as of now but had no idea when the rest will come.”

Interaction with Women’s Forum

The interaction with the members of the Quality Council team covered a range of issues relating to sanitation and hygiene from IHHLs to garbage disposal and the importance of community participation in strengthening Swachh Bharat Mission.

Ms. Maya Verma, a member of the Women’s Forum told the team that, “there were 360 new IHHL constructions in the settlement and that some families have received the first installment while a few had also received the second installment.”

The discussion then turned to the disposal of garbage and how the community was dealing with it. Maya said that, all of them cleaned the space outside their homes “but in the absence of community dustbins we face the problem of dumping and getting the garbage removed regularly.’’ Manju then added that Women’s Forum Members have submitted an application to the concerned department on the lack of no dustbins in the settlement but “there is no response from the authorities.”

Shri Pankaj Tyagi, Representative, Quality Council of India, stepped in at this point and asked the Municipal Corporation officials, who were present, why dustbins were not installed in the settlement. The Sanitation Inspector, from Moti Dungri said that this was because “the settlement has narrow lanes and large garbage van cannot enter the lanes.”

This prompted Shri Tyagi to suggest that the residents should collectively designate an area in the settlement and persuade everybody to throw their garbage there. This garbage could be removed regularly and the settlement would remain clean.”

Poonam Kulshrestha, CFAR, also apprised the visiting team on the processes that were being followed to strengthen community participation in the Swachh Bharat Mission and the role of the community-based organization Daksh Samooh.

The interaction concluded with Shrimati Yashodhara Vijayan and Shri Pankaj Tyagi expressing their appreciation for the role that CBO and CFAR were playing in promoting sanitation and hygiene in communities and their approach and vision on community engagement.  

Public Hearings in Aadarsh Bastis

As part of the MoU with DUSIB to strengthen community engagement in Adarsh Basti Centre for Advocacy and Research (CFAR), Mahila Pragati Manch (MPM) and Community Management Committee (CMC) have been given the responsibility of providing evidence on quantity and quality of access toand use of sanitation services across 14 Adarsh Bastis where we are partnering with Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB).

In pursuance of this mandate, in Nov-Dec 2016 we are organizing public hearings in all 14 settlements (Balmiki Basti, Rajiv Camp-Chitra Vihar, East Guru Anand Nagar, Indira Camp-Beghampur, Janta Jeevan Camp-Okhla, Indira Camp-Beghampur, Janta Jeevan Camp-Okhla, Karotia Camp-Okhla, New Sanjay Camp-Okhla, Seemapuri, Sunlight Colony, Rajasthani Camp-Sarita Vihar and Sanjay Camp-Dakshhinpuri)

On December 27, 2016, Public Hearing was organized at Gram Kheda, Jhilmil, in the presence of key officials from DUSIB and Delhi Jal Board (DJB). Prior to the Public Hearing we conducted interactions with residents in almost every lane to identify the deponents for the Public Hearing.

Toilet complex has only 16 seats which is less to this populated area, there should be more seats. Other thing is that CTC should be open during night time too, where we are supposed to go in night time?- Sonam gupta

There should be water supply in small lanes too, there is unnecessary quarrel in the area because of this issue- Rabia

Garbage dumping house is very far away in our area. There should be small dumping stations in interiors because sometimes people miss garbage pickups because there are out on work duty- Ajeet Kumar

Light poll in our street is leaning down and discharge current as well which is very dangerous- Rukhsana

Based on the depositions following commitments were made by the officials: 

  • DUSIB will reconstruct old CTC in 45 days, will also give instruction to the caretaker to keep toilet open for users till 11pm.
  • Repairing and reconstruction work of drains is in progress and DUSIB will increase the height of drains with proper slope wherever water stagnation problem is occurring
  • DUSIB will cover open gutter near the community toilet
  • Delhi Jal Board will install taps in each lane as soon as possible

 Decisions taken by the community group members: 

  • Will file written complaint to MCD official to clean the open drain near slum and fix a permanent place and timing for the garbage van so that all people can throw households waste in the garbage collection van.
  • Will also write to BSES office for adequate street lights in the area and  to repair electricity pole

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